Maxitet 13.5%

Long- and short acting Oxytetracycline injection. For the treatment of heartwater, tick-borne gallsickness (anaplasmosis), pheumonia, navel-ill, joint-ill, footrot in stock and strangles in horses.

Maxitet 10%

For the treatment of heartwater, tick-borne gallsickness (anaplasmosis), pneumonia, footrot, joint-ill and naval ill in cattle, sheep and goats.

Maxitet LA

Long acting ready-to-use injectable solution. For the treatment of tick-borne gallsickness (anaplasmosis), heartwater, pneumonia, footrot, joint-ill and navel-ill in livestock.

Maxisulf LA

Long acting injectable solution for the treatment of footrot, navel-ill, joint-ill and pneumonia in stock, coccidiosis and bacterial scours in calves and lambs and strangles in horses.

Doraject + AD3E LA

Cattle: For the treatment of gastro-intestinal roundworms, parafilaria, screwworms single host ticks.

Sheep: For the treatment and control of sheep roundworms, sheep scab, nasalworm, blowfly strike and itch mites.


Procaine penicillin & Dihydrostreptomycin injection

Procaine penicillin G is a small-spectrum penicillin with a bactericidal action against mainly Gram-positive bacteria.

Penstrep-400 LA

Procaine & Benzathine penicillin & Dihydrostreptomycin injection

Procaine penicillin G and benzathine penicillin G are small-spectrum penicillins with a bactericidal action against mainly Gram-positive bacteria.

Hitet 120

For the treatment of tick-borne gallsickness (anaplasmosis), heartwater, footrot, navel-ill, joint-ill, pneumonia in livestock and strangles in horses.


Ivermax Injection is an injectable parasiticide for cattle and swine. Treats and controls internal and external parasites : gastrointestinal roundworms (including inhibited Ostertagia ostertagi in cattle), lungworms, grubs, sucking lice, and mange mites of cattle; and gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms, lice, and mange mites of swine.

Supona Aerosol

Controls ticks, kills maggots in wounds. For cuts, abrasions, after dehorning, branding, shearing, tail docking and castration to prevent infections and maggot infestations.

Supa Spray

Controls ticks, kills maggots in wounds. For cuts, abrasions, after dehorning, branding, shearing, tail docking and castration to prevent infections and maggot infestations.

Curaclox-DC & Curaclox-LC

Antibiotic for mutty eyes and Mastatis in lactating cattle


For the treatment of gastro-intestinal roundworms, Parafilaria bovicola (false bruising) and eye worm (Thelazia) and a wide range of ectoparasites in cattle and sheep.